
Who am I?

S vintage star
S filipina now living in california
S obsessive-compulsive... make that compulsive-obsessive... no, obsessive-compulsive
S cold all the time (literally)

current terror alert level
Terror Alert Level

Why is Life Cold?

i actually have a very happy life. i just saw this graphic one day and got an inspiration for another blog. why not write about the stuff that makes life cold? from the huge, catastrophic, life-altering events to the seemingly trivial, little incidents that rub you the wrong way. it doesn't have to be a personal experience, it can be something observed.

on writing these down, my intent is to learn to appreciate life more and have a better handle on things when life throws you a curve ball. i want whoever will read this to contemplate, not get depressed. hopefully, you'll share with me your experiences as well so we can learn from each other.

p.s. it doesn't always have to be cold

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Where I Go When I Feel Life Getting Cold

S Memento
S Jo's Forum
S Shai Coggins
S pinayexpat
S joyceline
S piehole (a very funny girl)
S Din's World
S pinayhekmi chronicles
S Linnor
S Tin
S kwentong tambay
S deja brew
S denden
S mushings
S Junkville (never fails)


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In the Philippines, we call an excursion, a night-out, or any outing that has the promise of a fun time ahead a "gimmick". Well, at least we did so a decade ago. Since the Filipino slang evolves faster than you can say "jolog", I'm not so sure if that word is still used in that manner.

For the past weeks, I have had an excuse to embark on several gimmicks because we have guests from our Philippine plant. Due to the major reorganization going on in our company, they have been sending engineers and technicians to get trained here in headquarters. We have three visitors who are all here in the United States for the first time, so I thought I'd show them some of the sights. Here are some of the places we went to, in pictures!

17 Mile Drive in Monterey

Harbor boats in Santa Cruz

By the pool in Pebble Beach Golf Club

By the Lone Cypress, the logo of Pebble Beach

Still by the Lone Cypress with hubby

Rommel at the Bird Rock, one of the stops at the 17-mile drive

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Some pretty fish

By one of the many aquariums

The penguins that were not marching

One of the many birds, yes birds, at the aquarium

Lizeth behind the fish tank

Having dinner at the end of Fisherman's Wharf

My Birthday Dimsum Lunch

That's hubby on my right

Some guys from Product Engineering

Manuel, Lizeth, Nomie and Rommel

Chen, the one standing, organized this lunch. Norm, our Senior VP (2nd guy from right), paid for all of it. Thanks guys!

San Jose Giants Game

The pitchers...

The batters...

At the stands (Dante, Rommel and Lizeth)

Enjoying cheesesteaks and tri-tips while watching the game

Vangie Fuhrman got cold on 8.26.2005 6:50 PM. |

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